Bill:- We can generate bills by entering billing, date, dealer name, phone, company, type similarly, inventory name, and then adding inventory/product to the list.Stock name, its company, size or subcategory, price, quantity can be changed from here. In case any change is required in the product information, we can search and update the stock from this module. We can see a list of stock by category/company. Like here we can Samsung Double Door Refrigerator with Model Number under company Samsung, similarly subcategory as Refrigerator. We can give the name of inventory, price, quantity. We can add inventory under a particular company and sub-category. Same as under Samsung, we can add Refrigerators similarly, TV, etc. Under the company or category, we can add sub-categories. It is like adding categories for our products. Add Company:- We can add companies for which we are selling our products.Modules in the Inventory Management System in java:.

We can make bills for different customers. We can purchase, sell and view the position of the stock. This is Stock Management System project Software in Java that will manage all the stock of a company.